POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.unofficial.patches : will not work : Re: will not work Server Time
2 Nov 2024 05:19:11 EDT (-0400)
  Re: will not work  
From: Nathan Kopp
Date: 8 Feb 2000 08:24:09
Message: <38a018f9@news.povray.org>
Brian & Lois Bivolcic <biv### [at] popampacom> wrote...
> Hi all,
> For some reason I can't this scene to work.
> using win95

A few things:

First, your syntax is all the 0.3 syntax, which needs to be changed.

"separation" has been replaced with "target"
"radius" only takes one parameter after it (which is why it complained about
finding a comma).
"bounded_by" in isosurfaces must be changed to "contained_by"

That should take care of it.  I've gotten it to run on my machine after
making those changes.

However.... the first time I tried it, I got those same syntax errors, and
after I corrected it MegaPov crashed with a "fatal exception" blue screen,
which later led to a "waiting for the close dialog box to appear" blue
screen of death in Windows.

Since then, I've implemented another fail-safe on the memory init/deinit
routine so that it hopefully handles errors more smoothly.  I tried the same
process that caused the crash the first time and now it doesn't crash.

I think the problem was that when it hit a syntax error in the POV file,
under certain conditions MegaPov would try to free memory that was never
allocated, and therefore would crash.


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